Buying a property
You can buy a farm in
Klamath, Modok, NCR and SF
NCR 60000:
SF 100000:
Place of purchase (Redding)
Base with the name 50k, worth 250.000
Base with the name 80k, worth 400.000
Base with the name 150k, worth 530,000
Base with the name 165k, worth 850,000
Base with the name 180к, worth 1.000.000
Base with the name 185к, worth 1.200.000
Base with the name 200к, worth 1.400.000
Base with the name 250к, worth 1.700.000
Base with the name 500к, worth 2.500.000
Base with the name 1.000.000, worth 3.000.000
Base with the name 1.500.000, worth 3.500.000
Base with the name 2.250.000, worth 4.500.000
Base with the name 3.000.000, worth 10.000.000